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Tabriz Parvizian Iran Wool Silk

Original price: €27,000.00.The current price is: €12,750.00.

Length: 3.35m

Width: 2.47m

Handmade carpet of very high aesthetics in a repeating design with very thin small rafts, Persian from the city of Tabriz, of the Parvisian category, wool and silk.

1 in stock

Credit module tbi bank 1.1.1
Surface: 3.35 × 2.47m = 8.27m2
Product code: 1533 Categories: , , Tag:


Handmade Persian Carpet Tabriz Parvizian Iran Wool Silk

Handmade carpet of very high aesthetics in a repeating design with very thin small rafts, Persian from the city of Tabriz, of the Parvisian category, wool and silk. Repeating pattern in small tiles, on a blue - black background color and tile border. Thin pile with very high density that reaches 800.000 knots / m2. Ideal from the most classic to the most modern space!

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Weight 12 m.
Size 3.35 × 2.47m

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